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How to restore Exely PMSConnect integration (PULL integration)
PMS integration might be out of service for different reasons. The list of reasons and possible solutions is below. After taking any measures to fix an error, you can check the integration status. For this, go to "PMS integration" > “Dashboard” and click the "Check the status" button.
The setting of the price rates pull from a PMS
Before checking the integration status, do the following:
1. Check the Internet connection on the desktop on which you use web PMS.
2. Force pull prices for accommodation for any coming date within the year ahead. If after you have done this, the integration will restore, this means that the integration error emerged because price rates have not been updated for a long time.
3. Check if integration with Exely is set according to guidelines, enabled, and working correctly. The guides to setting and restoring the integration are provided by the PMS developers.
Getting up-to-date information on room availability
Before checking the integration status, do the following:
1. Check the Internet connection on the desktop on which you use web PMS.
2. Force pull room availability for any coming date within the year ahead. If after you have done this, the integration will restore, this means that the integration error emerged because room availability has not been updated for a long time.
3. Check if integration with Exely is set according to guidelines, enabled, and working correctly. The guides to setting and restoring the integration are provided by the PMS developers.
Getting up-to-date information on bookings
Before checking the integration status, do the following:
1. Check the Internet connection on the desktop on which you use web PMS.
2. Check if integration with Exely is set according to guidelines, enabled, and working correctly. The guides to setting and restoring the integration are provided by the PMS developers.