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How to get logs of booking delivery to PMS

How to get logs of booking delivery to PMS

Booking delivery log is a report on the process of passing booking information from Exely to PMS.

The log contains detailed information about each request related to an attempt to send a booking to PMS. It also contains the response received from PMS, which may include confirmation of successful delivery or a description of the occurred error.

The following data can be found in the log:

  • Request type — the type of request, for example, a booking creation, modification, etc.

  • Request status — the result of request processing: “Successful”, “Error”.

  • Request date and time — the exact time when a request was sent.

  • PMS response date and time.

Note. You can view and download the booking delivery logs yourself only for some PMS. If you do not have the “Tools” subsection in the Exely extranet, please send a request to your Customer Support manager or Exely Customer Support team to obtain the logs.

How to get log of booking delivery to PMS

1. In the Exely extranet, go to “PMS integration” > “Tools” > the “Booking delivery logs” tab.

2. In the search field, enter the full Exely booking number in the format “12345678-777-12345678”. Click “Find”.

All types of requests recorded when trying to send a booking to PMS will be displayed in the list.

3. Click “Action” > “View logs” on the right of the required request type to open the log.

4. To download the common log for all requests for a booking, click “Download common log”. The file will be saved on your device in the TXT format.

Request status

In the example below, the status is "Successful". This means that the booking has been successfully delivered to PMS.

If a request has the ‘Error’ status, it means there was a problem with the booking delivery. The error description is shown below the status.

In case the error came from PMS, the log should be sent to the PMS support team for investigation.

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