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Free night vouchers in Exely Loyalty Program

Free night vouchers in Exely Loyalty Program

An additional discount is now available for the properties using Exely Loyalty Program: Discount or Exely Loyalty Program: Points — free night voucher. Vouchers can be issued in the Exely Loyalty Program.

Using vouchers, you can attract regular guests. The voucher provides a guest with free accommodation for one night and is applied according to certain rules.

Pay attention. Unlike a promo code, a voucher is awarded to a specific guest. Only the owner can apply it in the Exely Booking Engine.

How to use a free night voucher in terms of Exely Loyalty Program

To allow a guest to use a voucher for a free night:

  • A property must have an Exely Loyalty Program set up.

  • A voucher must be created in the Exely Loyalty Program.

  • A guest must have a profile created in the loyalty program with a loyalty card and a voucher assigned to it.

Terms and conditions of voucher use

  • A voucher applies to only one room in a booking.

  • It is applied at the last step of booking, before selecting the payment method.

  • Vouchers can be combined with other discounts.

How to create a voucher

1. Create a voucher group

1. In the Exely extranet, go to "Guest management" > "Loyalty program" > "Vouchers".

2. Click the “Create a voucher group” button. There can be only one voucher group.

3. Make the following settings:

  • In the “Group name” field, enter the name.

  • To create a voucher with an expiration date, tick the “Voucher expiration” check-box.

  • Set the voucher validity period — specify the number of days or months.

4. Click “Save”.

After that, a new type of promotion - “Free night voucher” - is created in the Exely extranet in “Room management” > “Promotions” and the following notification is shown.

Features of voucher validity period

  • The voucher validity period is set in the “Voucher expiration” setting as the number of days or months from the issue date.

  • The validity period is automatically set from the “Voucher expiration” setting when a voucher is issued to a guest.

  • The validity period of a specific voucher can be changed when it is issued to a guest.

  • If the “Voucher expiration” check-box is not ticked, the voucher will be created with unlimited expiration.

Vouchers expiration

Vouchers expire at 23:59 on the day following the expiration date (the property’s time zone time).

Example: a voucher is issued to a guest today and is valid for 1 day. It will expire at 23.59 tomorrow.

2. Edit the voucher discount parameters

1. Go to “Room management” > “Promotions”. A new promotion type is already available there — “Free night voucher”.

Note. There can be only one “Free night voucher” promotion.

2. Click the “Edit” button to open the promotion details page.

Note. The promotion name and the discount amount are set by default and cannot be changed. Additionally, it is not possible to set the display period and stay period for this promotion.

3. Make the main settings for the voucher:

1) In the “Calculated amount” section:

  • Select the discounted night of stay: first or last. By default, the voucher is applied to the last night of stay.

  • Specify the minimum number of nights in the stay required to apply the discount. The default setting is 2 nights.

2) In the “Promotion validity” section, select the rate plans and room types the promotion will apply to.

4. Click “Save”.

How to award a voucher to a guest

How to award a voucher in the “Cards list section”

1. Go to “Guest management” > “Loyalty program” > “Cards list”.

2. In the list, find the required guest profile.

3. Click “Action” > “Award a voucher”. The free night voucher will be awarded to the guest.

When awarding a free night voucher, you can change the validity period settings and leave a comment. The comment will not be displayed in the guest's profile, but it can be seen in the Exely extranet.

You can award several free night vouchers to one guest.

How to award a voucher in a loyalty card

A voucher can be awarded to a guest at the guest’s loyalty card details page using the “Award a voucher” button.

You can award several free night vouchers to one guest.

If a guest already has a voucher, you can redeem it or award a new voucher. For this, click the “Award or redeem a voucher” button.

How to view all vouchers awarded to a guest

How to view awarded vouchers in the “Cards list” section

A new “Voucher” filter will appear in the “Cards list” section. Use it to see which guests have been awarded a voucher.

If a guest was awarded with vouchers, the column will show the number of vouchers awarded.

How to view awarded vouchers at the guest’s loyalty card details page

1. Go to a guest’s loyalty card > the “Reward points” section.

2. Click “Active vouchers” to see information about awarded vouchers.

How to redeem a free night voucher

How to redeem a voucher in Exely Booking Engine

For this, a guest should follow the steps below:

1. Sign up or log in to the profile in Exely Booking Engine.

The voucher will be shown in:

  • The guest’s personal account.

  • In the guest profile window in the booking engine.

  • On the final step of the booking.

2. Start booking — select a room, a rate plan and services.

3. On the last, create a booking with the voucher — to do this, the guest should click “Redeem” on the voucher banner before selecting a payment method.

Note. The banner will be shown only if the guest selected the period of stay, the room type and the rate plan corresponding to the voucher settings specified in the “Promotions” section.

After the booking is created, the voucher is redeemed in Exely Loyalty Program.

The redeemed vouchers are not displayed in the guest profile.

How to manually redeem vouchers

1. Go to “Guest management” > “Loyalty program” > “Cards list”.

2. Open the guest’s loyalty card and click “Award or redeem a voucher”.

3. Select the “Redeem” action and the voucher, specify the reason for voucher redemption in the “Comment” field.

The voucher redemption will be shown in the transaction history in the guest’s loyalty card details page.

What voucher transactions are displayed in the guest’s loyalty card history in the Exely extranet

The following transactions are displayed in the guest’s loyalty card transaction history:

  • Voucher awarded.

  • Voucher redeemed manually.

  • Voucher redeemed when booking in Exely Booking Engine.

  • Voucher expired and deleted.

How to change the voucher name and expiration

1. Go to “Guest management” > “Loyalty program” > “Vouchers”.

2. Click “Action” > “Edit” for the voucher.

3. Change the name and voucher expiration.

4. Click “Save”.

Note. If the voucher expiration is changed in the voucher settings, the expiration date on the vouchers that were previously awarded to guests will not change. The new expiration date will be offered when new vouchers are awarded.

How to delete vouchers

1. Go to “Guest management” > “Loyalty program” > “Vouchers”.

2. Click “Action” > “Delete” for the voucher.

3. In the pop-up window, click “Delete”.

Note. All vouchers that were previously awarded to guests will be deleted with no possibility of recovery.

How vouchers are displayed on the booking confirmation

If a guest has redeemed a voucher, this will be displayed as a discount on the booking confirmation.

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