Exely Payment Links

Create payment links in a single window.
Get online payments even without bank card details.

Exely Payment Links usage examples.

Receive Payments for Services via Link

  • Advance Payments
  • Fine payments
  • Bookings from travel agencies

Guarantee Check-Ins and Service-Only Bookings

A guest booked over the phone without prepayment.

Without Payment Links

  1. Ask for the customer's email address.
  2. Create an invoice with payment details after the call.
  3. Ensure the guest did not make any data transfer errors.
  4. Wait for the bank to process the payment.

You have spent over an hour!

With Payment Links

  1. Create a payment link during the call. Send it via SMS from Exely Extranet.

You did it in a few minutes!

Issue Fines for Damages and Violations

You discover damages in a guest's room after they have checked out.

Without Payment Links

  1. Contact the guest.
  2. Create an invoice with payment details after the call.
  3. Ensure the guest did not make any data transfer errors.
  4. Wait for the bank to process the payment.

You have spent over an hour!

With Payment Links

  1. Contact the guest.
  2. Create a payment link during the call. Send it via SMS from your Exely account.

You did it in a few minutes!

Simplify Your Work with Agencies and Foreign Tourists

A foreign guest booked a tour through a travel agency.

Without Payment Links

  1. Draw up a contract. Send it to the tour agent.
  2. Discover that an international transfer fee has cost you quite a buck.

You paid a fee for an international money transfer. You spent more than an hour!

With Payment Links

  1. Create a payment link and send it to the tour agent.

You saved on commission. You only spent a few minutes!

Sync Payments for Bookings with Exely Solutions

All you have to do is click a button if the guest has agreed to pay by card and provided the CVC/CVV code.

Increase website sales with Exely Booking Engine

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Increase your occupancy and manage online sales with Exely Channel Manager

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Exely Payment Links: Fast Payments with One Click