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How to close sales for one of the online distribution channels

How to close sales for one of the online distribution channels

To stop sales for a specific online distribution channel, take the following steps:

1. Go to “Room management” > “Rate plans”. Find the rate plan whose sales you need to close.

2. On the right, click the “Close/Open sales” button beside the rate plan’s name.

3. Make the following settings:

  • For the “Action”, select “Close sales”

  • For the “Validity period”, select dates when the sales have to be closed

  • For the “Booking sources”, select “Sales channels” and tick the online distribution channels for which you want to close sales

  • For “Room types”, select the room categories for which you need to close sales

4. Click the “Save” button.

Note. To check the settings, go to the rate plan > the “Prices and restrictions” tab > the “Closed” restriction. The cells that stand for days when sales are closed for specific distribution channels will be colored in yellow as their value is overridden.

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